Zman café זמן קפה

Time for Coffee/ A Coffee moment  The Israeli coffee scene from the big chain to the small local joints  Whenever I bump into a first timer in Israel in the line at one of the local coffee shops, I quickly try to make conversation. It is not only that I’m interested in his or her […]

I am a Nofan!

Zev Vilnay, Veahavta L’artzecha Kamocha (Translation by Zalman Spivack) I am a Nofan! I am often asked: What are you, really- a Geographer? historian? archaeologist? botanist? zoologist? After all in your explanation you talk about the geography of the place, the events that occurred there, the ancient remains, about plants and animals … Well, what […]

A Living Album: The Palmach House

I’m wondering: when we say “friend”, do we mean only a person you have an ongoing intensive relationship with, founded on shared history and experiences, mutual values, and views?  Is it only the people you invite to share your celebrations, vacations, not to mention the bad and challenging moments of life? Is it the person you […]

Shabbat Shalom- Shalom La’Shabbat

Our eyes are following the bus that has pulled in to take us to the nearest town bus station, and just before our Sergeant dismisses us he shoots out one more  message to remember: “For all of you  going home – Shabbat Shalom; and for you that are not…

My Friend – The Forester

It is a well-known and wonderful tradition in Israel to plant a tree. Families, schools and youth movements have embraced the tradition of going out and planting trees on the day of Tu Be’shvat in early springtime. Jews and non-Jews around the world have been supporting this project by “sponsoring” trees, mainly through the Jewish […]