Continuing Existence – the Jewish Equation

The continuing existence and prosperity of the Jewish People is dependent on the continuing existence and prosperity of an independent democratic Jewish state in the land of Israel – the State of Israel. And the continuing existence and prosperity of the State of Israel is dependent on a strong, professional, and moral army- the Israel […]

Derech HaRaglayim

I have come to know my land and its people… Derech HaRaglayim. Derech HaRaglayim is a Hebrew expression that literally translates to: “Through the feet” but truly means to learn via physical and experiential experiences. Derech HaRaglayim doesn’t always mean walking and hiking, but rather to use all of the senses, to create intellectual, emotional, and meaningful experiences. Derech HaRaglayim is a physical method that opens minds and hearts. Derech HaRaglayim is an interaction between the individual and his or her surroundings. It begins the moment you get up and start a journey. Whether it is a new path or one you have taken before… each time is a new learning experience that leaves an imprint on you, whether you are aware of it or not.