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Connect the dots – the Palestinian society in the West Bank.

Published on facebook, 16 December 2023.

It’s not difficult to connect the dots and realize that the Palestinian society in the West Bank is on a path toward a significant escalation, mirroring the situation in Gaza, leading to potential destruction and disaster on their side.

Decades of anti-Israel education, escalating violence, and terrorism against IDF soldiers and Jewish citizens in the West Bank and Israel, coupled with a surge in intelligence alerts on potential terror attacks from within PA territory, serve as early indicators. Additionally, a recent survey revealed an overwhelming majority of Palestinians supporting the brutal massacre carried out by the Hamas terrorist group on October 7. This trajectory appears unidirectional, possibly unfolding in the coming months or certainly in the near future.

PCPSR, Press Release: Public Opinion Poll No (90), 13 December 2023

We should proactively prepare to prevent a recurrence of October 7th, ensuring a swift, decisive response with minimal casualties. This analysis is endorsed by many Israeli security officials who view it as inevitable. Beyond preparing for a potential clash, I believe the Israeli people should initiate assessments, discussions, and propose strategies to alter the prevailing reality, even if it ultimately leads to a confrontation.

This endeavor is not solely for the well-being of the Palestinian people but also for our own. If our destiny is shaped by the directive “And by thy sword shalt thou live” (Genesis 27, 40 – blessing to Esau), solely focusing on this aspect may take a toll on our nation and hinder the fulfillment of “and I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these lands; and by thy seed shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves;” (Genesis 26,4).

While it may seem idealistic, I aspire to nurture a generation filled with hope, believing that we can positively impact our environment, all the while being prepared to wield the sword if necessary. I wish that both the Palestinian citizens and the international community acknowledge the urgent necessity to shift the trajectory, pursuing hope before the inevitable unfolds.