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A barrier between a hopeful future and those who seek to extinguish any glimmer of hope in this world.

Published on facebook, 3 November, 2023

From my post at one of the newly established makeshift security outposts on the outskirts of our Jewish community, I enjoy a breathtaking vantage point. The vast expanse of open hills surrounds our community, creating a stunning landscape that borders on desert terrain. These hills are part of the Judean Desert, stretching from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea.

To the south of my position, the road known as Route 1 meanders eastward, bellow the city of Ma’ala Adumim. Beyond it, I can see the prominent ridge of Mount Montar, also known as Mount Azazel, historically associated with the Yom Kippur ritual of sending the scapegoat during the time of the Temple in Jerusalem. On the western side, I can make out the ridge of Mount Olives, distinguished by its three towering structures: the Church of the Ascension, Augusta Victoria Hospital, and Hebrew University on Mount Scopus.

To the north, the picturesque valley called Nahal Prat graces the landscape, featuring its pristine natural springs, set against the backdrop of the beautiful hills of the Benjamin Region. Turning my gaze eastward, I behold the Jordan Valley, catching a glimpse of Jericho on one side and the Dead Sea on the other. In the distance, the towering mountains of the Kingdom of Jordan dominate the horizon, offering views of its notable landmarks, including the capital city, Amman, and Mount Nebo, the site associated with Moses, who gazed upon the Land of Israel before his passing and the Israelites’ entry into their promised land.

Amidst the distant echoes of resin, we stand resolute in our military attire, donning vests and carrying rifles upon our shoulders. Surrounding us are Palestinian villages, cities, roads, sites, and camps, which have sadly transformed into safe harbors for terrorists. These terrorists are fueled by toxic ideologies, lured into their ranks, armed by sinister organizations, and dispatched to carry out inhumane and atrocious attacks against both the Jewish people and the State of Israel.Their political and religious leaders, along with leaders from adversarial nations, and the persistence of anti-Semitic sentiments in the Western world, continue to incite them to “join the fight.” We are aware of the imminent danger, having witnessed it firsthand on October 7th. This peril is more tangible than ever before, a menacing threat that could bring disaster. It jeopardizes not only us but also everything we hold dear.

Their pursuit to obliterate us is causing collateral damage to all that surrounds them. It results in the complete destruction of their own future, affecting their children, youth, economy, and education. This perilous path leads to lost generations and extinguishes hope, as martyrdom is elevated at the cost of their own aspirations and well-being.

Throughout our duty, we diligently evaluate potential threats, simulate various scenarios, and strategize our responses. We conduct practice exercises, engage in debriefings, and repeat these drills tirelessly. The installation of more concrete barricades, additional sandbags, and the placement of camera poles become routine tasks. Many of our initial responders have been summoned for reserve duty, prompting the swift assembly of a new team of volunteers. The recruitment of personnel, the provision of training, and the procurement of necessary equipment all serve a single, urgent mission: safeguarding our community.

Behind us lies our future, our beacon of hope – a unique Jewish communal community that champions shared values, unity, and education among all its members, regardless of their religious beliefs or practices. It’s a community where a significant number of our members serve on the front lines, whether in mandatory or reserve duty. This is a community that has nurtured the very best of our young generation, instilling in them the unwavering commitment to contribute in every facet of this ongoing conflict.

Our youth, in particular, have risen to the occasion, wholeheartedly engaging in social and enjoyable bonding activities that bring everyone together. They’ve dedicated themselves to baking and cooking for both families and soldiers, extending their support across the board. They’ve opened their doors to accommodate members of communities forced to evacuate and have offered a helping hand in hotels, kindergartens, and schools, providing the much-needed assistance and encouragement.

Venturing on day trips to the southern regions, our youth enthusiastically assist farmers in harvesting their crops and preparing for the upcoming season. Our vibrant youth movement continues to take the lead in instilling values and putting them into action. Their remarkable dedication and enthusiasm come as no surprise, yet they consistently surpass all expectations.

From my vantage point, the situation is starkly defined – we stand as a barrier between a hopeful future and those who seek to extinguish any glimmer of hope in this world.

May we be blessed to witness brighter days ahead.

Our hearts are heavy with profound gratitude and heartfelt condolences for all the families who have suffered the loss of a loved one.

We offer our heartfelt prayers for healing – physical and spiritual, for all who are in need of it.

Our thoughts and prayers are also with our courageous soldiers, hoping that they may wear a victor’s crown and return in peace.