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About me


I’m passionate about creating unique and memorable travel experiences that help visitors build a deep connection to the land of Israel and its people.

My Story

My Passion

With its incredible history, breathtaking natural landscapes, and rich tapestry of diverse cultures, Israel is truly a land like no other. With so many fascinating features packed between its narrow borders, it’s no wonder the country attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists each year.

I believe the individual experiences and personal connections that happen along the way are what make traveling in Israel not simply a tour, but a masa – an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime journey.

My greatest passion is guiding visitors through the land that I call home. Nothing is more gratifying than sharing my deep love and appreciation for Israel, combined with 20 years’ of accumulated knowledge and experience, with my wonderful clients.

My approach to tour-guiding combines in-depth insights into the history of the sites we visit with an immersion into the sights, flavors, smells, and colors of present-day Israel. From the moment I begin building a tour with a client, we custom-tailor an itinerary that speaks to their specific interests, tastes and dreams. I always make sure that each client encounters the people and places that resonate with them, finding the unique alchemy that makes that journey unforgettable. Together, we create meaningful travel experiences that surprise, compel and delight.

Because it’s not just a tour… it’s a masa.