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Jerusalem Goes to Work

The classroom buzzed with excitement as Morah Ella, their cherished teacher, entered. “Kids, tomorrow marks the day we’ve all been eagerly anticipating. Each of you

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Ma’ashe and Maasiyah

The memory of the fallen will be preserved through Ma’ashe – deeds/actions, and Maasiyah – storytelling. In Jewish tradition, this is also known as Halakhah and Aggadah.

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He didn’t understand how he got into this situation, strapped to a harness, tethered to a rappelling rope, suspended between heaven and earth, on a

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Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut 2024

This year, we confront two very challenging questions regarding these Ten Days on our national calendar. The first concerns our emotional state and our ability to celebrate these days while we are a state in trauma. The second concerns the meaning of these days to the State of Israel and its citizens, as well as to the Jewish world as a whole.

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Walking on Eggshells

Posted on Facebook 11 April 2024 Drawing on an insightful radio interview I recently listened to, I am convinced that this story possesses the potential

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Sleepless Nights 

Published on facebook on March 26, 2024 At 8 p.m. on a winter Friday night, their cozy apartment in Jerusalem was enveloped in a tranquil

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Flower Boy

Every Friday for the past three years, Boaz would wake up at 5:00 am to the tune of ‘Avoda Kasha’ – Hard Work on his

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Israel Points of View

 A picture is worth a thousand words. Discovering fresh perspectives to explore a country is always enriching. In April 2019, we embarked on an expedition

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To Be a Rich State

In my role as a Guide and Educator in Israel, I regularly encounter diverse groups of people. The initial phase of any trip involves engaging

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Justifiable Motivation

Published on my facebook December 30, 2023 I grew up with two guiding principles: “Where there is a will, there is a way,” and “Necessity

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Strategic Depth

Published on facebook, 19 Debember 2023. The renowned Zionist figure and hero, Joseph Trumpeldor, famously remarked, “Where the Jewish plow concludes its last furrow, that

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Acharai – follow me!!!

Published on facebook, 16 December 2023. This week, we continue to bear the heavy price required to safeguard the well-being of our Jewish and Democratic

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No Trespassing

On the distant horizon, he spied an unfamiliar vehicle, one of those sleek new models. It was difficult to discern whether it was a Prius

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Route 60 Southbound

My formative years were spent in the Judean Hills, a mere 12 kilometers to the south of Jerusalem, nestled between Bethlehem and Hebron within the

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Teaching Israel A – Z

I truly love my work. And Israel A-Z challenges me to find more ways to teach, relate and connect people to an ever changing, diverse and dynamic State of Israel. This is my mission… my ongoing mission.

If you have not filled out your personal Israel A-Z, or would like to give another go at it, you can do it here https://forms.gle/QeSuA9iWQBGsVudv7

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Derech HaRaglayim

I have come to know my land and its people… Derech HaRaglayim. Derech HaRaglayim is a Hebrew expression that literally translates to: “Through the feet” but truly means to learn via physical and experiential experiences. Derech HaRaglayim doesn’t always mean walking and hiking, but rather to use all of the senses, to create intellectual, emotional, and meaningful experiences. Derech HaRaglayim is a physical method that opens minds and hearts. Derech HaRaglayim is an interaction between the individual and his or her surroundings. It begins the moment you get up and start a journey. Whether it is a new path or one you have taken before… each time is a new learning experience that leaves an imprint on you, whether you are aware of it or not. 

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Common Practice

*This story is written with male characters but could equally apply to a female. Driving around the country is something I do a lot. Often,

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Miracle Mile- Heaven on Earth

One of my favorite things to do in the old city of Jerusalem is to take a break on a corner of this street and watch, and when I say watch, I mean people-watch. I sit there at one of the restaurants with a cup of black-coffee, mud coffee, and my eyes wander the street, following individuals and groups passing by.

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I am a Nofan!

Zev Vilnay, Veahavta L’artzecha Kamocha (Translation by Zalman Spivack) I am a Nofan! I am often asked: What are you, really- a Geographer? historian? archaeologist?

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Shabbat Shalom- Shalom La’Shabbat

Our eyes are following the bus that has pulled in to take us to the nearest town bus station, and just before our Sergeant dismisses us he shoots out one more  message to remember: “For all of you  going home – Shabbat Shalom; and for you that are not…

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Trip through Route 90

Route 90

Route 90 is a long road; some say the longest road in Israel, beginning all the way in the North, on the mountainous border of

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We Are on The Map

Whenever I guide a group around Israel, I provide a map of Israel to each and every participant to allow them to follow our journey

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Welcome Home!

November 2000, I’m at the arrival hall at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York. My brother and I have just got off a ten-hour

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Reality Check!!

I am driving on route two (2) northbound with a car full of clients that have just arrived from a long trans-Atlantic flight. This is

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Size Matters

Growing up I was not a very big boy at all. I was not very tall either. I was actually pretty skinny and wasn’t all

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