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Israel is a country with many layers of history, politics, religion, and culture. Zalman’s curated, customizable tours give you the opportunity to explore what interests you. Here are just a few examples of the many diverse experiences on offer:

Over four millennia of human history have left their mark on the Land of Israel, creating layer upon layer of rich and compelling history. In the heart of the ancient near-east and the Fertile Crescent – the “cradle of civilizations” – the Land of Israel has been subject to the conquest of some of history’s most legendary armies and empires and witness to their rises and falls. Religions were born, matured and flourished in this region, each leaving a unique mark on the land, its people and culture.

Get a firsthand look at the ancient history of the land, standing at the sites where incredible stories were made, traditions were conceived, and ideas, ideologies and beliefs collided. Visit biblical sites, explore the ancient city of Jerusalem, Temple Mount and the many excavations around it, Greek and Roman ruins, ancient synagogues and churches, crusader fortresses and more. Get your hands dirty and participate in an active archaeological excavation to witness the ever-evolving landscape of Israel’s past in which new discoveries are constantly being made. Visit one of Israel’s world-renowned museums which contain some of its most breathtaking ancient artifacts, and much, much more.

For 2000 years, the Jewish People yearned for “Next Year in Jerusalem”. Since the mid-18th century, the dream of a Jewish homeland took on many shapes and manifestations. Many dreams were envisioned, words written and spoken, and various initiatives and actions were taken in order to make the dream of a Jewish State a reality. 

The citizens of Israel have continued to dream, aspire and build ever since, and today, new visions are propelling Israel into the future. We will trace these dreams, past present and future, and visit fascinating sites that tell the story of the pioneers, the creation of the state and the waves of immigration from around the world that followed. Learn about the State in the making, maintaining a state, sovereignty and government, entrepreneurship, technology and innovation, Jewish cultural renewal and much more.

If you’re looking to explore Jewish roots and heritage while connecting with the thriving Jewish life of modern-day Israel, this is the ultimate experience for you. The Land of Israel is where many of the beliefs, traditions, and customs of the Jewish people took root. From the earliest practices of the religion in ancient times to the return en masse after the founding of the State of Israel, this travel experience will give you a deep understanding of the connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel.

Meaningful visits to Jewish heritage sites around the country, home visits and Shabbat dinners with locals in different communities, and experiencing the rituals and customs of Israel’s diverse Jewish population will deepen your understanding of – and connection to – the history and heritage of the Jewish homeland.

The land of Israel is the cradle of the Christian faith, and nothing compares to being right where it all happened to enrich your understanding of the Biblical stories and their message. 

Stand on the very ground where the stories of the Bible took place; be immersed in the geography, landscape and scenery; and learn about the historical, cultural, and human context that will bring the stories to life. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus, the prophets and the disciples is a powerful, life-changing experience for any admirer or follower of the Christian faith.

If you want to understand the people – get out and meet them! Israeli society is made up of many different ethnic, religious and immigrant groups that make up the unique patchwork of cultures and traditions. Jews from all over the world – Morocco, Eastern Europe, Yemen, Ethiopia, Iran, South America, and more – have immigrated to Israel over the past hundred years or so, each community maintaining their own cultures and customs while integrating into the multicolored fabric of Israeli society. 

There are also religious and ethnic minorities of various faiths and communities (Muslims, Christians, Druze, Bahai, Bedouin), as well as “Olim” (New Immigrants) and “Sabras” (Old-timer Israelis). There’s no way to understand Israel like getting out and meeting its citizens through home hospitality, workshops, briefings, volunteer projects, talking to people in the streets, and much more.

Millennia-old traditions mix with contemporary culture to produce the unique yet universal phenomenon that is Israeli culture. Blessed with a rich tapestry of different communities, all with distinct traditions, customs and styles, Israel is a compelling place to experience a vast range of cultural experiences. 

From a world-renowned culinary and wine scene, vibrant street art, and cutting-edge fashion and design, to its exciting sports games, fascinating architecture, inspiring religious events and holidays and incredible music from every genre, Israel’s cultural landscape truly has something for everyone.

Curious to know what earned Israel the title “Start-Up Nation”? The fast-paced, resourceful spirit of the country has turned it into a thriving ecosystem for startups in every field. Explore all the factors that are driving this creativity, achievement, and innovation. Glimpse into the future by meeting some of Israel’s most well-known serial entrepreneurs along with young, promising teams racing to change the world. Feel the vibrant influence of Israel’s unique start-up in the boulevards, beaches, cafes, and bars of Tel Aviv.

Israelis are a very outdoorsy bunch, so it’s no wonder they coined the expression “Derech HaRaglayim” – or “through the feet” – which means learning by walking, hiking, and physical experience. 

Experience the beautiful and diverse terrains of Israel the way Israelis love to do it – through nature hikes and treks, canyoning, skiing, rappelling, biking, kayaking, fishing, diving, camping, camel riding, surfing and so much more. From the Negev deserts to the Golan Heights, there are myriad ways for the nature lover to explore Israel’s beautiful landscapes.

Let’s face it: it’s impossible to talk about Israel without referring to the complex geopolitical conflicts occurring in and around the country. Fast-paced regional developments, political tumult, and social uprisings have a direct daily impact on the State of Israel and its citizens. Being on the ground in Israel is a golden opportunity to learn about the vastly complex and fascinating aspects of the local geopolitical landscape, from multiple angles and various points of view. Engage and learn with encounters, lectures, visits, briefings and more on topics such as:

  • Israel’s political environment.
  • Non-Jewish citizens and the State of Israel.
  • Jerusalem – East and West; Socio-political Landscape.
  • The Golan Heights.
  • Israel and the Palestinians: The West Bank, borders, peace program and accords, security issues, Human rights, international involvement.
  • Israel and its Neighbors: The Gaza Strip, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel in the Middle East, Turkey, Saudi Arabia etc.