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Strategic Depth

Published on facebook, 19 Debember 2023.

The renowned Zionist figure and hero, Joseph Trumpeldor, famously remarked, “Where the Jewish plow concludes its last furrow, that is where the border will be set.” This declaration goes beyond a simple geographical definition; it encapsulates both a moral commitment and a strategic imperative.Geographically, it is widely understood that obtaining ownership of land is solely accomplished by having boots on the ground. Morally, a land that is not safeguarded, nurtured, and developed for the benefit of nature and its surrounding community has no legitimate claim to be owned or seized by humanity. Strategically, because an uninhabited land will find no one to protect it.

The Zionist movement and the State of Israel have consistently recognized and embraced this concept, weaving a dynamic tapestry of life along their borders. Flourishing cities and towns, rural industrial and agricultural Moshavin and Kibbutzim coexist harmoniously with nature parks and national sites.

Traveling along Israel’s borders makes it evident – residences and cultivated fields extend right up to the border, reaching all the way to the security fence. In contrast, neighboring countries have not prioritized the development of border regions, resulting in a stark reality of impoverished and run-down villages, a lack of productive agriculture, and the disappearance of natural landscapes.

The stark reality facing the State of Israel is that beyond all our neighboring borders lie hostile organizations and countries openly advocating for its destruction. This deep-seated motivation, stemming from various sources, manifests in ongoing violent clashes between these adversaries and us. Any breach of our borders poses a serious threat, leading to potential penetration into Israeli civilian communities and resulting in tragic outcomes. Examples include the Avivim School bus bombing on May 22, 1970, the Ma’alot massacre on May 14-15, 1974, the Misgav Am hostage crisis on April 7, 1980, and most recently, the horrific massacre in the Gaza envelope on October 7, 2023. Israel lacks military strategic depth. As emphasized, we settle our borders!!!

Military strategic depth denotes the distance between the front lines, the battle sector, and potential threats, and the rear lines encompassing combatants’ support and civilian population. Israel has implemented various tactical defense, weaponry, and intelligence systems to address the challenge of lacking physical-geographical strategic depth.

Following October 7th and the culmination of the military campaign in Gaza, as well as along the Northern Border with Lebanon, Israel will once again shoulder the responsibility of restoring safety and security for its citizens residing on the borders. They will return because that is what we do!! I believe it will be tenfold. Just wait, you will see.

How Israel will establish strategic depth is uncertain; it is a task for our Defense system and political leaders to navigate. The question of whether Israel will maintain control over the Gaza Strip or possess military and security capabilities within a Palestinian authority, similar to the West Bank, is yet to be determined. Israel may consider implementing a security zone similar to the one it had in Lebanon during the 80s and 90s, or possibly establish a DMZ zone with international oversight. What I am certain of is that as long as there is hostile motivation, which exists, and terrorists on the other side, it is crucial to keep them and their capabilities far away from our borders.

We have witnessed the resilience of our robust civil Strategic Depth—the Israeli people. The past year may have cast a shadow on it, but this is not a new phenomenon; in times of need, we have consistently stood together. In addition to numerous groups and organizations that have operated during routine and previous emergencies, many new ones have emerged. Israeli society has consistently risen to surmount every obstacle and challenge presented to it. Our ongoing challenge is to sustain this collective strength in a rapidly changing, diverse, and non-uniform society.

Furthermore, the State of Israel is backed with a strong international strategic depth – the globe Jewish community. Recognizing that perspectives may not always align and being mindful of the increasing prevalence of antisemitism worldwide, we still feel and recognize the overwhelming and active support (despite recent concerns about support for Israel among the younger generation in polls, a significant majority of Jews in North America consistently express their unwavering backing for Israel). It is essential for world Jewry to understand that we anticipate reciprocity in support for your challenges. This mutual support is emblematic of our familial bond.

As we enter the fourth centennial quarter of a sovereign Jewish State, it remains essential to continually explore the most effective ways to uphold a robust Strategic Depth; militarily, within Israeli society, and in collaboration with our Jewish global family.

We have to; after all, our enemies are around the corner on the borders!!!